Prostate Health: Men’s Focus

Prostate Health

If you don’t know what your prostate is or what it does, you’re certainly not alone: most men don’t. But it’s time to get educated! The prostate is a small organ approximately the size of a walnut. It lies below the bladder (where urine is stored) and surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder. The prostate plays a key role in proper sexual function and also helps protect against bladder infections.

We’ve talked about keeping your heart healthy – and now we’re focusing on prostate health.

More than 50% of men in their 60s and as many as 90% in their 70s experience challenges with an enlarged prostate. And, more than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life. A painful infection of the prostate gland is an issue for men of all ages and affects 35% of men aged 50 and older. Each year more than 230,000 men will be seriously affected by unhealthy prostate tissue and 30,000 will die from it.

The good news is there are proactive ways to keep your prostate healthy. No matter what, exercise regularly, eat more fruits and vegetables and don’t smoke. In addition, there are natural ways to support your prostate with targeted nutritional supplements. Continue reading Prostate Health: Men’s Focus